Fast-Track Profitable Growth

Improve Loss Ratios by 3–10 Points with the Industry’s Leading Risk Selection Platform

Strategic Risk Selection for Enhanced Profitability

Pinpoint empowers P&C insurers to quantify the profitability of their current and prospective business earlier, faster, and more accurately than ever before to significantly improve loss ratiosOur revolutionary risk selection platform uses a combination of individual behavioral predictors and advanced AI that goes beyond traditional variables (zip code, credit, and demographic categories) used by carriers today.

Improve your Loss Ratios

Pinpoint clients unlock 3-10 points in Loss Ratio improvement, and are better prepared for a more equitable future

Understand your Customers

Pinpoint provides you with individual-level intelligence for greater accuracy and powerful risk stratification at top of funnel

Accelerate Profitable Growth with Precision

Pinpoint empowers you to achieve a higher degree of accuracy in risk assessment, leading to greater profitability 

Assess Individual-Level Risk at the Top of Funnel

The first step to profitable growth is earlier and more accurate risk predictions. Pinpoint provides P&C insurers with powerful Loss Predictions and Risk Scores to help them quantify and assess risk on a person-by-person basis to positively impact core insurance outcomes, in a fair and equitable manner.

Pinpoint Loss Predictions

Carriers use Pinpoint’s Loss Predictions to predict claims frequency, claims severity, and loss cost for homeowners and personal auto at two key points: before they become customers and before their policy renews. This gives carriers a prospective view towards risk at the earliest possible point to maximize profitable growth.

Pinpoint Risk Scores

Carriers use Pinpoint’s Risk Scores to determine the likelihood of litigation, SIU referral, (non-pay) cancellation, and specific types of premium leakage for homeowners and personal auto at two key points: before they become customers and before their policy renews. This gives carriers a prospective view of the future profitability of their customers and prospects.

Quantify the Impact of your Financial Models with ROI Calculator

The Pinpoint ROI Calculator (presented here) highlights the loss ratio improvement and savings for a carrier’s homeowner book of business using Pinpoint Loss Predictions.

Going Beyond Industry Compliance Standards to Give Insurers Peace of Mind

Pinpoint maintains robust programs for AI Fairness, Information Security, Privacy, and Insurance Regulation. We are committed to the highest ethical standards in risk management.

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Ready to Accelerate Profitable Growth?

Fast-track your Profitability and Portfolio Optimization with Pinpoint