Translate Pinpoint Models to Business Value in Minutes with our ROI Calculator

Pinpoint provides the industry’s earliest and most accurate loss predictions and risk scores to P&C insurers to improve loss ratios and help impact long-term profitability. Pinpoint leverages the power of behavioral predictors and advanced AI to build custom models for home carriers.

Carriers maximize their value with our ROI calculator, which allows them to build financial projections and accurately predict the ROI dollars and Loss Ratio reduction over 1 through 3 years. See for yourself below!

Hands of a man cradling image of house to protect

Try our ROI Calculator

Below is our ROI Calculator for a specific custom Homeowners (HO3/5) non-cat water and weather frequency model. Click the CALCULATE button below to see the client’s Loss Ratio improvement and ROI from using Pinpoint’s risk selection. Feel free to enter different assumptions in the editable fields and to click CALCULATE again.

Projecting the financial benefits that Pinpoint can deliver for your own specific book(s) of business is quick and easy on our platform. Click here to book a discovery call today.

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